

Typical Team’s Org for a Series B Company

Usual Report to: CEO

Key Org Change to Notice

At the Series B stage, it is important for the founder team to take a step back and focus on understanding the company's challenges, solving them, and designing the next steps of the company's journey.

During this stage, you may notice:

  • The emergence of a Revenue Ops team, responsible for connecting the efforts of the Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success teams and providing a more comprehensive business approach. In this case, the COO may also be referred to as a CRO.
  • The formation of Strategy and Ops teams. These teams act as the super chief of staff, supporting the CEO in addressing all company bottlenecks and preparing the company for the next steps.
  • The addition of a GM or Deputy CEO, enabling the CEO to focus on opening new markets that the company needs to move into.

Operations team can be very different depending on company and founders profiles and business type and sector.

In some companies, the COO and its Ops team can be in charge of:

  • Revenues and Go to Market: with Marketing, Sales and Customer Success teams
  • Product delivery: with Product, Tech, Customer Success teams
  • Act as Deputy CEO (kind of a super chief of staff) with Finance, People, and Biz Ops teams.
  • Act as a GM for the initial domestic market.

Typical Team’s Contribution to Company KPIs

Additional Resources

XAnge Role Resources

Bizops | Why BizOps Is the Hottest Team in Tech @ Coinbase
A lire | Must Read
Bizops | Why do you need one ?
A lire | Must Read
The Rise of the COO Role
A lire | Must Read
The four Types of Startup COOs
A lire | Must Read
COO | Fiche Métier @ Elinoi
A lire | Must Read
COO | Fiche Métier @ Welcome to the Jungle ✨
A lire | Must Read
Head of BizOps | Scorecard Example @Assoconnect ✨
Liste des compétences | Scorecards
COO | Liste des compétences / Skills List - Template à copier
Liste des compétences | Scorecards
COO | Missions - Template to copy
Liste des compétences | Scorecards
Head of Sales Operations | Template to copy
Fiche de poste | Job Description
COO | Job Desc Example @ Workable
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Head of Operations | Job Desc Example @ Assoconnect ✨
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Client success | Job Desc @Worklife ✨
Fiche de poste | Job Description
COO | Must have interview questions
Entretien | Interview
Business Case - Strat & Ops @Skello
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Head of Account Management - Customer Success Manager | Business Case @ Worklife ✨
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Strategy and Operation Manager | Cas pratique @ Welcome to the Jungle ✨
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies