Finance & Strategy

Finance & Strategy

Typical Team’s Ratios for a Series B Company (5-10M€ ARR)

% of FTE: 7% (Full G&A)
% ARR Spent / Team: 12% (Full G&A)

Sources: XAnge portfolio companies +

Typical Team’s Org for a Series B Company

Usual Report to: CEO

Key Org Change to Notice

At Series B stage, the finance team starts specializing for giving a more comprehensive understanding of the business to the top management and the investors. Due to revenues and customers growth, the team usually internalizes the transactional roles such as accountant. When strategically needed, the finance team can include one person for legal or M&A.

CFO (8)

  • FP&A director and analyst (2)
  • Controller (1)
  • 1-2 accountants (1-2)
  • Ops (2)
  • Legal (1) - optional


Typical Team’s Contribution to Company KPIs

Additional Resources

XAnge Role Resources

CFO | How to score the right CFO ?
A lire | Must Read
CFO | Profile needed by investment stage
A lire | Must Read
DAF | Fiche Métier DAF
A lire | Must Read
CFO | Exemple de Scorecard @ Ouihelp ✨
Liste des compétences | Scorecards
CFO | Missions - Template to copy
Liste des compétences | Scorecards
CFO | Liste des compétences - Template à copier
Liste des compétences | Scorecards
CFO | Scorecard - Template to copy
Liste des compétences | Scorecards
CFO | Jobdesc @ Neobrain ✨
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Is grants & subsidies a full time job in deep / med / bio tech companies?
Fiche de poste | Job Description
CFO | Job Desc Example @ Workable
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Head of Finance | Job Desc Example @ Workable
Fiche de poste | Job Description
CFO | Job Desc @ Ouihelp ✨
Fiche de poste | Job Description
CFO | Job Desc @ Lydia ✨
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Head of Finance | Job Desc @ Welcome To The Jungle✨
Fiche de poste | Job Description
CRO | Job Desc @ Gitlab
Fiche de poste | Job Description
CFO | Fiche de poste @ Frichti
Fiche de poste | Job Description
CFO | Liste des chasseurs de tête spécialisés
Sourcer | Sourcing
CFO | Must have interview questions
Entretien | Interview
CFO | Case Study @ Lydia
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
CFO | Cas pratique @ Ouihelp ✨
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Construction du variable du CFO
Salaires | Compensations