CFO | Must have interview questions

Poste / Role
Type de ressource / Resource Type
Entretien | Interview
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Interview Questions

ThemeQuestionQuestion (EN)

Have you managed complex accounting / extra-accounting / legal issues?

Comportement & personnalité

What are you really good at, but never want to do anymore?

Comportement & personnalitéVision stratégique

It's been 1 year you're with us. What impact on the business have you made in the year since you’ve joined?

Comportement & personnalitéCompany Culture & Fit

How do you imagine a typical week with us?

Comportement & personnalité

How do you react to criticism? Tell us how it went the last time your boss disagreed with you.

Comportement & personnalitéOutils & Process

How did you prepare for this interview?

Comportement & personnalitéOutils & ProcessManagement d'équipe

Describe a time when you worked on a cross-team project. How did you prioritize tasks and what did you do to ensure everyone delivered on time?

Comportement & personnalitéEsprit entrepreneurial

Describe a suggestion you made to senior management in the past that benefited the organization eventually

Comportement & personnalité

Tell me about a time you strongly disagreed with your manager. What did you do to convince him or her that you were right? What ultimately happened?

Comportement & personnalitéHumility

Tell me about a time you really screwed something up. How did you handle it and how did you address the mistake?

Comportement & personnalité

Tell me about your ideal next role. What characteristics does it have from a responsibility, team, and company culture perspective? What characteristics does it not have?

Comportement & personnalité

What inspires you ? Do you love challenges ? What are your drivers?

Comportement & personnalitéHumility

When was the last time you changed your mind about something important?

Comportement & personnalité

What's one part of your previous company's culture that you hope to bring to your next one? What one part do you hope to not find?

Comportement & personnalité

What are your key strategic initiatives? Describe your most important contribution to your current/previous company.

Comportement & personnalité

Tell us about a professional situation that went wrong. What was it about? How would you do it today?

Motivation du candidat

Among the people you've worked with, who do you admire and why?

Motivation du candidat

What’s something great about your current or previous job? Why?

Motivation du candidat

What motivates you to work?

Motivation du candidat

What do you believe you can achieve with us personally or professionally that you can't anywhere else in the world?

Motivation du candidat

Looking back on the last five years of your career, what’s the highlight? For the last few companies you've been at, take me through: (i) When you left, why did you leave? (ii) When you joined the next one, why did you choose it?

Motivation du candidat

What are, in your opinion, the most important characteristics of [ROLE]?

Esprit entrepreneurial

Tell me how you contributed to the company’s success in your previous position

Esprit entrepreneurial

Esprit entrepreneurial

What do you think was key to your current/previous company’s success?

Esprit entrepreneurial

If you were to start your own business, what would it be? Why would you do that?

Financial Planning & Analysis

Give me an example of your investment strategy when funding departments during the annual budget cycle

Financial Planning & Analysis

What would you do if revenue forecasts for next year decreased?

Financial Planning & Analysis

What are the 2 metrics that a CFO must always follow?

Compétences techniques

Have you already implemented cash management tools ?

Compétences techniques

How do you motivate your team in stressful situations?

Management d'équipeCompany Culture & Fit

What types of people do you like to work with? What types of people are difficult for you to work with?

Management d'équipe

Do you have experience in team management?

Management d'équipe

How do you monitor the performance of individual team members?

Management d'équipe

How do you distinguish between Leadership and Management?

Management d'équipeObjectives & Key Results

How and when do you inform your team about the results of your activities?

Management d'équipe

How do you set goals for your teams?

Management d'équipe

If there was a sudden decrease in the performance of a team member, how and when would you approach the individual?

Management d'équipe

Were you able to achieve/exceed the team's goals?

Management d'équipeEmployee Care & Evolution

What's your take on management? How do you make the people you manage grow?

Management d'équipe

What recruitment process do you use to recruit [POSITION]? Describe it to us

Outils & Process

Have you already deployed a technical topic / tool? (Specify the duration of the project, the decision process, the problems encountered, ...)

Outils & Process

Do you already have processes in place? Give one or more examples.

Outils & Process

Which monitoring tools do you prefer and why?


Would he/she fight against adversity, and make the right decisions?


What can he/she bring to this role that you’re certain other applicants can’t?

Vision stratégique

Explain the evolution of the product of your current/previous company. Give me an example of a landmark decision that was made in the product strategy and your opinion of that decision

Vision stratégique

What is a pricing or packaging decision that the company made and what was your view on that decision?

Vision stratégique

What questions do you ask yourself when planning strategy?

Vision stratégique

What are the three most important characteristics of this function? How would you stack rank yourself from strongest to least developed among these traits?

Vision stratégique

If you had to decide whether a possible investment is profitable, how would you do it?

Objectives & Key Results

What metrics do you regularly follow? What do they tell you about the health of the business?

Business Culture & Monitoring

How do you keep up to date with developments in your topics? Who are your peers?

Relations Investisseurs

Tell me about a time when you faced conflict with stakeholders. How did you resolve it?

Company Culture & Fit

Imagine yourself in three years. What do you hope will be different about you then compared to now?

Talent Acquisition

What criteria do you use to evaluate sales skills?

Business Unit Management

What do you take into account when preparing your department’s budget?

Interview Questions

What are the metrics that you watch closely? What do these metrics tell you about the health of your business?
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