CMO / Chief Marketing Officer

CMO / Chief Marketing Officer

Job Desc
Head Hunters Selection
Interview Questions
Cases Studies

🦉 XAnge Thoughts

If your marketing budget exceeds 10% of your staff costs or approaches €0.5M/year, it's time to think about hiring your brand new CMO/marketing manager! Cyril, Managing Partner @XAnge
The VP of Marketing has now a lead generation role and is becoming more and more data driven. He/she feeds the top of the sales funnel. Guillaume, Managing Partner @XAnge

XAnge Role Resources

Type de ressource / Resource TypeItemAccès / Access🇫🇷 / 🇺🇸
Liste des compétences | Scorecards
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Sourcer | Sourcing
Entretien | Interview
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Salaires | Compensations