CMO | Case study Example @ Welcome to the Jungle ✨

Poste / Role
Type de ressource / Resource Type
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
🇫🇷 / 🇺🇸

As part of the process for the CMO position, we'd like to have your thoughts on typical situations you would (you will!) encounter with us.

We value the logic and not really the actual results, and feel free to be imaginative!

  1. Our company went from selling one product to selling multiple products (products name). This is a big challenge for the Business Team (both for sales and account managers). How would help them work on this transition and what should we change for our BtoB marketing strategy ?
  2. We are about to launch [product name] a new product both for BtoC and BtoB. All teams are involved (Tech, Product, Business teams) and of course the Marketing team is onboard too! For a product launch, how would you typically organize your team to prepare for it and what would be your priorities for the first 6 months? What key objectives would you think of for your team?

Deadline : [to give]

Format : You are free, the goal is to get an 1 hour discussion with [People name ] to debrief your ideas.

Marketing team : Events (X people) ; Acquisition (X people) ; B2B/Lead gen (X people) ; Brand & Comms (X people) ; Social Media (X people)

Other teams : Business team is composed by sales, account managers and product support (X people) ; Tech is composed by Dev, Product Managers, Data scientists & Designer (X people) ; Media team is composed by Journalist, Editor, Photo and videographers (X people)