

Mix of FTE:

Typical Team’s Ratios for a Series B Company (5-10M€ ARR)

% of FTE: 16%
% Revenue Spent / Team: 10%
Team Ratio: 1 PM for 5-8 Dev

Typical Team’s Org for a Series B Company

Usual Report to: CTO or COO

Key Org Change to Notice

At this stage, Product team is more specialized and focus on reducing the Churn and improve customer’s NPS. The team now has a dedicated team to Product Marketing. This team is fully dedicated to increase the customer upselling and cross selling and contribute to give Revenue growth and predictability.

  • VP, Product (15)
    • Director, Product Marketing, plus 3 PMMs (4) (can be also in MarketingMarketing team)
    • PM (5)
    • Design (5)


Typical Team’s Contribution to Company KPIs

Additional Resources

XAnge Role Resources

Product | Scorecard Example @ Product Crew
Liste des compétences | Scorecards
VP Product | Job Desc Example - Gorgias
Fiche de poste | Job Description
UX/UI Designer | Job Desc Example - Coinhouse
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Product Designer | Job Desc Example - AB Tasty
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Product Designer | Job Desc Example - Lydia
Fiche de poste | Job Description
CPO | Job Desc Example - Frichti
Fiche de poste | Job Description
Product Director | Job Desc Example - Open Classroom
Fiche de poste | Job Description
CPO - PM | Must have interview questions
Entretien | Interview
Product | Case Study @ Hublo
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Product | Case Study @ Captain Contrat
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Product | Case Study @ JellySmack
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Product | Case Study @ LegalStart
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Product | Case Study @ LiveMentor
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Product | Case Study @ Pennylane
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Product | Case Study @ Shipup
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Product | Case Study @ Playplay
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Product | Case Study @ Foodvisor
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Product | Case Study @ Open Classrooms
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Product | Case Study @ Open Classrooms
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Product Manager | Case Study Ideas
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Product Manager l Case Study 30 min
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Product Manager | Case study 45 min
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies