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At XAnge, we are convinced that our role is to support our portfolio companies to handle today's and tomorrow's challenges, above typical scaling issues. Now, a new type of emergency has to be addressed : Climate change.
Here, you can find our resources to help you deal with your decarbonation journey.
A special program designed to measure your scopes 1, 2 and 3 with peers.
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Resources & Webinars to better address ESG key topics and reduce learning curves.
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Special deals
with Carbon Footprint providers to kickstart your ESG journey.
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Our Carbon Footprint Program
Starting on March 21st, enrolled companies will:
Get an exclusive discount with Greenly & Sami to measure their carbon footprint with 20% discount.
Have access to one resource/week to start their ESG journey.
Meet their peers and reduce the learning curves thanks to peers Q&A sessions.
Resources & Webinars
42 Solutions pour améliorer l’impact des entreprises tech
42 Solutions pour améliorer l’impact des entreprises tech
Chief Impact Officer : c’est quoi ce nouveau métier ?
Chief Impact Officer : c’est quoi ce nouveau métier ?
Communiquer sur son bilan carbone en évitant le Green Washing
Communiquer sur son bilan carbone en évitant le Green Washing
Financer son bilan carbone
Financer son bilan carbone
Green IT : Comment mesurer et réduire l'empreinte numérique de mon entreprise ?
Green IT : Comment mesurer et réduire l'empreinte numérique de mon entreprise ?
La boîte à outils de la RSE par Vendredi
La boîte à outils de la RSE par Vendredi
Need another resource? Ask the Startup Success team on XAnge Family Slack.
Special deals
What? Greenly is a simple, fast and semi-automated SaaS that allows companies to track their carbon footprint and reduce it.
Offer: Get 20% off on your carbon footprint audit.
👉 Get access
Des questions sur les financements publics auxquels vous avez droit ?
ABF Decisions vous propose un % de réduction afin de vous aider dans l'identification et le montage des dossiers d’aides publiques au niveau européen, national et régional.
👉 Si interessé.e contactez @Pauline Paquet
What? SaaS & consulting solution to define and manage your environmental strategy.
Offer: Get 20% off on your carbon footprint audit.
What? The leading platform for solidarity and environmental commitment.
Offer: Save €1 000 on yearly subscription.
👉 Get access