Digest: Mastering Organizational Change

Digest: Mastering Organizational Change

Meeting Date
June 25, 2024
Event Type
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Confidential content - please do not share this outside of your personal use.

This webinar was hosted by Pierre Verstraeten, CEO of People-Growth, whose mission is to support leaders and scale-ups to become their better version through Executive Coaching, Management Training and HR Operating Partnering. He was Global Head of Talent Development at Criteo, VP Talent at TravelPerk and CHRO of Spendesk.

You can reach him at pierre@people-growth.com

Did not attend the webinar? 👉Access all the slides here! Learn about: → Tracking your organisation health. → Engaging all stakeholders. → Having a clear process for your re-organization. → Knowing how to communicate your vision.

Identify the need for a Re-Org

As a leader, it is important to monitor your organization’s health. You will find below the 9-box matrix to help you understand talent dynamics in your organization and support top performers.

The 9-box is a matrix that helps you evaluate talent based on performance and potential, categorizing people who are high performers, those who are potential high performers and the low performers.

The matrix help you identify the individuals who are worth retaining, those who might stay for a shorter period and those whose will need a performance/improvement plan. There's also a category for those who you might need to manage out.

“In absolute terms, tenure alone isn't a significant indicator. A 10-year tenure combined with high performance and potential is very valuable for profitability.” Pierre Verstraeten

The 9-box matrix


KPIs to keep on your dashboard

Main use for the KPI
Ideal Target
% of Voluntary Attrition
The rate at which employees leave a company on their own accord.
Assess the level of employee satisfaction and engagement.
Not Relevant
% of Attrition in less than 12 months
The rate at which employees leave an organization within their first year of employment.
Track the efficiency of your onboarding process: issues with the hiring process, onboarding experience, or initial job expectations.
% of support functions
The number of people on functions like HR, Finance & Legal.
Search for an optimal balance between core operational staff and support staff to maintain efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
7% for HR + Finance
Span of Control
The number of direct employees that a manager or supervisor oversees within your organization.
Track the organizational efficiency.
1 manager for 7 employees
Current Headcount cost on OTE (On-Target Earnings)
The total cost of the company's workforce, calculated based on their on-target earnings.
Assess the compensation structure. It helps budget employee compensation and make decision about bonuses, commissions, and other incentives.
Sales OTE benchmarks
Measure your employee’s engagement with Employee Net Promoter Score.
Being aware of your employee engagement will help you determine their motivation and their willingness to put in extra effort to achieve organizational goals.
Not Relevant
% of Low Performers with a Performance Improvement Plan
Identify the low performers and the % of employees they represent within the company. Your improvement plan is here to outline specific areas where the employee needs to improve, sets clear performance goals, and provides a timeline for achieving these improvements.
Keep track of the low performers and work on the organization’s commitment to employee development and improvement.
Not Relevant
% of Top Talents with an Individual Development Plan
Identify the top performers and the % of employees they represent within the company.
Increase the impact of your key leaders on the organization.
Make your leaders work on project and transversal initiatives.
Time to market
Less people oriented metric: The time between the idea and the delivery to the customer.
Tracks the efficiency of your processes.
Not Relevant
More about Organizational Design and Maintaining Team Performance in Chapter 3 and 4 of The Series B Blueprint: A Guide for Early-Stage Founders.

Building your Re-org Plan

Step 1: Define the vision

Stakeholders: Founders or Leadership Team


  • Define the importance and urgency of the matter.
  • Define the end goal for your re-organisation.

Later, this alignment will help you empower impacted leaders within the organization to actively contribute to the reorganization's design and provide you with valuable input.

Step 2: Identify & involve your management team in the design process

Stakeholders: Leadership Team and impacted Head of/Managers


  • Map out the stakeholders to identify key leaders and determine how to best support them throughout the change.
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    The Mapping Template

    Stakeholder Mapping

    “Engaging your managers in the reorganization process is essential for its success. You are looking for the Bottom Up response to Top Down directives.” Pierre Verstraeten
  • Have the “Head of” construct a response to the problem to help you craft directives.
  • Make sure managers are engaged and aligned with the overall vision.
Case Study: Spendesk - Engaging your key actors in the reorganization process for achieving successful outcomes.

Step 3: Equip your Managers & Create a steering committee

Stakeholders: Steering Committee - identified key leaders.


Your managers need to be aware of the resistance to change that will come from the teams.

“Changes in an organization can encounter resistance. As illustrated by the curves, everyone in the organization will start from a different bases, and most importantly, at a different time. Some will move through the curve quickly and accept the change. Others are slower in accepting the change. It is important to note: we all go through the curve, but at different speeds and times. “ Pierre Verstraeten

How to read the curve: When you, as a founder, start to be on the curve, this is when you need to inform your managers, so they are able to start their own curve. When they do, they will be the own to inform their own team and those teams will start their own curve. Have in mind that you will need to

  1. The mindset: you want your team to be aware that it is okay for employees to go through resistance, it is to be expected.
  2. The behavior: Softness and clarity; empathy and expectations. If we want people to follow a leader, leaders need to connect on a human level. This makes it easier for people to connect with. Then, work on the future vision.

Step 4: Roll-out your Re-Org plan

Stakeholders: All impacted stakeholders


  • Have a clear communication & execution of Plan.
  • Measure the impact of the re-org.
“Having clarity about how you want to navigate the reorganization and the timeline for achieving results will allow managers to communicate the vision to their teams and actively participate in the reorganization process.” Pierre Verstraeten
Case Study: TravelPerk - The importance of trust, transparency, and strategic clarity.

Key Takeways

  • Align and engage leadership teams before & during the re-organization.
  • Involve managers & team during the process.
  • Communicate clearly and foster a unified vision.
  • Expect resistance to change.