
Your Support to Laid-Off Employees

In addition to the classic processes you have in place to offboard employees (such as revoking access to tools and ensuring knowledge transfer), you may want to refine your "layoff experience" to ensure that your employer branding is not negatively affected by the reorganization you're going through.

This is particularly important for demonstrating support during this difficult time in your employees' journey with your company. Sharing resources to help them find new work opportunities, such as jobs or training, will make it easier for them to move on.

Here you’ll find all the relevant XAnge resources that can be shared to departing employees.

With XAnge resources

XAnge job board

Redirect them to our job board portfolio to help them find new opportunities.

XAnge Talent community

Create your custom link so we can be aware that these talents are coming from you:


Below is a little explanation of the Talent Community that you can share with departing employees:

🇫🇷 In French:

Si vous êtes intéressé.e par des opportunités de poste, je souhaiterais vous proposer d’intégrer la Talent Community de XAnge (un de nos investisseurs). Il s’agit d’une communauté de talents ouvertes à l’ensemble des dirigeants et Head of HR des startups XAnge regroupant des talents sélectionnés par leur équipe d’accompagnement. Cette communauté permet à XAnge de pousser des profils dès qu’une opportunité de type Head of / C-levels émerge au sein de ses entreprises.

Pour vous, c’est l’assurance d’être contactée pour des offres « off-market » et de manière prioritaire.

Si vous êtes intéressé.e, je vous laisse compléter ce rapide formulaire : [INSERT CUSTOM LINK]

🇺🇸 In English:

If you are interested in job opportunities, I would like to suggest that you join the Talent Community of XAnge (one of our investors). This is a community of talents open to all leaders and Head of HR of XAnge startups, bringing together talents selected by their support team. This community allows XAnge to promote profiles as soon as a Head of / C-levels opportunity arises within its companies.

For you, this is the assurance of being contacted for "off-market" offers and on a priority basis.

If you are interested, please complete this quick form: [INSERT CUSTOM LINK]

With outside resources aggregated by Xange

Job Boards from the Ecosystem:

Here are some job boards that can offer interesting opportunities for those who want to stay in the startup ecosystem:

Generalist Job Boards:

Here are some job boards that can offer corporate and startup opportunities:

Providers and talent communities:


Splendup offers a “Talent Offboarding Care” service by welcoming the affected employees on their platform enabling them to find their next career opportunity in no time.

Here are some talent programs, startup-oriented, that you can share with departing employees:


Ignition Program


France Digitale

Talent Letter

Serena’s Talent Club

Training / changing paths:

Here are some options for employees who want to take time for training:




  • Sales
  • Dev
  • Product