Sabrina Ben-Yelles
Sabrina Ben-Yelles

Sabrina Ben-Yelles

Adding Date
Oct 21, 2020 10:01 AM
Talent Type
Experience + 20 years
Looking for


Key References / reco

Ex-Marketing Director @ Betclic

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Her answers to our application form

In which sector(s) ? Please be specific.

FoodTech, HRTech, FinTech, Entertainment, SportTech, Subscription economy

Do you want to join a startup at ...

Series A stage (funding : €2M - €10M, team : 20-50),

Series B stage (funding : €10M - €60M, team : 50 - 150),

Series C, D, E (funding : +€60M, team : +150)

How many years of experience do you have?

+20 years

Do you have experience in team management ?

Team of +50

SoftSkills / Can you give us 3 to 5 skills that would describe you the best?

down-to earth attitude, business minded, problem solving, strategic vision, leadership

HardSkills / What are you really good at ? What could you bring to a fast growing company ?

P&L monitoring for several products, brands, countries ; on-off media strategy, product strategy, CRM, social media, PR, digital acquisition (desktop, mobile), business development, suppliers bids

What is your actual wage package ?


How much do you get as a bonus / year ?


What is your stock options value ?


Contact details : your e-mail

Contact details : your Linkedin profile url

Do you want to share anything else with us or our startups?

Senior manager, passionate about brands, I want to invest my extensive experience in Business performance monitoring and Marketing as a Deputy General Director in Marketing or Chief Marketing Officer to reinforce activities whether in retail or e-commerce - B2C companies.