Operations / Marketing B2C
Fast-up Partners, Groupe Casino, Franprix, LaPoste
To be introduced to the talent:
Conquête de nouveaux marchés européens dans les secteurs B2C (cosmétiques, grandes conso, marchés avec des enjeux d'activation, marque, ...). Cherche à rester dans le transversal avec une partie opérationnelle.
- 13-year experience in starting-up and scaling digital or retail B2C ventures (food, refurbished good, and beauty)
- Strong execution capacities: strategic project structuration, operations, brand building & client acquisition
- Strong leadership and managerial skills
What level of seniority are you looking for ?
C-Level (COO, CTO...)
In which domain ?
Marketing / Communication
In which geographies ?
In which sector(s) ?
FoodTech, HealthTech, Impact
Do you want to join a startup at ...
Series A stage (funding : €2M - €10M, team : 20-50)
Series B stage (funding : €10M - €60M, team : 50 - 150)
How many years of experience do you have?
+10 years
Do you have experience in team management ?
Team of 2 - 10
SoftSkills / Can you give us 3 to 5 skills that would describe you the best? Leadership, team-player, problem-solving, result-orientation
HardSkills / What are you really good at ? What could you bring to a fast growing company ?Breaking down an overall vision into a actionnable roadmap understood by the whole team
What is your actual wage package ? 150 000
How much do you get as a bonus / year ? 30 000