Head of Data / Head of Operations
Supermood, Optness Institute
To be introduced to the talent:
Profile Summary: Looking for a position in a Tech startup (FinTech, HealthTech, AssurTech...).
- 7 years of experience as Head of Data @Supermood, Data consultant @Freelancer and @Optness Institute.
- Experience in using data to build predictive models and scorings to transform processes through Lean approaches.
What level of seniority are you looking for ?
Head of
In which department ?
Operations, Data
What job title(s) are you looking for?
Head of Data, Head of Operations
In which sector(s) ?
Fintech, AssurTech, HealthTech etc.
In which geographies ?
Paris, Remote
At what stage do you think you bring the most value?
Series A stage (funding : €2M - €10M team : 20-50),
Series B stage (funding : €10M - €60M team : 50 - 150),
Series +C (funding : +€60M team : +150)
How many years of experience do you have?
5 - 10 years
Do you have experience in team management ?
Team of 2 - 10
Which languages do you speak?
Have you ever had an entrepreneurial experience?
SoftSkills / Can you give us 3 to 5 skills that would describe you the best?
Resilient. Adaptable. Patient. Hardworking. Engaged
HardSkills / What are you really good at ? What could you bring to a fast growing company ?
I spent 7+ years improving the operational and financial efficiency of companies, by leveraging the available data to build predictive models and scorings and to transform the processes through Lean approaches.
What is your current wage package ?
How much do you get as a bonus / year ?
What is your stock options value ?