Marion Gélain
Marion Gélain

Marion Gélain

Adding Date
Jun 10, 2021 9:43 AM
Talent Type
Head Of / VP
Experience + 10 years
Looking for

Head of Marketing / communication or CMO position

Key References / reco

Medelse, IZI Solutions, Morning, OverBlog

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Profile summary: Looking for a position in a Series A or B startup specialized in Healtech as Head of Marketing/communication.

  • 10 years of experience as Head of Marketing @Medelse @IZI Solutions @Morning and @Overblog
  • Teams transverse vision, team player and branding skills.

What level of seniority are you looking for ?

Head of

In which department ?

Marketing / Communication


In which sector(s) ?

Health tech

In which geographies ?


At what stage do you think you bring the most value?

Series A stage (funding : €2M - €10M team : 20-50)

Series B stage (funding : €10M - €60M team : 50 - 150)

How many years of experience do you have?

+10 years

Do you have experience in team management ?

Team of 2 - 10

Which languages do you speak?




Have you ever had an entrepreneurial experience?


SoftSkills / Can you give us 3 to 5 skills that would describe you the best?

Taking step back, teams transverse vision, autonomy, team player, involved

HardSkills / What are you really good at ? What could you bring to a fast growing company ?Acquistion, activation, automation, SEO, branding

What is your current wage package ?

70 000€

How much do you get as a bonus / year ?

10 000€

What is your stock options value ?

15 000€