To be introduced to the talent:
Profile Summery: Looking for a position in Series A or B startup in Healthtech, EducTech or enter
tainment as CMO.
- 12 years of experience as Head of Corporate Relations @France Digitale, CMO @ExpliciteJA, CMO&CDO @L'équipe and CMO France @Deezer
- Mastery of BtoC acquisition strategies and BtoB distribution deals
What level of seniority are you looking for ?
In which domain ?
Marketing / Communication
What are the jobs title you would like to have?
In which sector(s) ?
Healthtech/ eductech/ entertainment
In which geographies ?
How many years of experience do you have?
+10 years
Do you have experience in team management ?
Team of 2 - 10
SoftSkills / Can you give us 3 to 5 skills that would describe you the best?
team player / kindness / serenity
HardSkills / What are you really good at ? What could you bring to a fast growing company ?
Both BtoC acquisition strategies and BtoB distribution deals
What is your current wage package ?
120 000€
How much do you get as a bonus / year ?
30 000€
What is your stock options value ?