To be introduced to the talent:
Profile summary: Looking for a position in a startup of all kind of maturity in industry such as chemicals, agrofood or automotive as CFO.
- 11 years of experience as CFO @Malterurop @EverZincor, country CFO @Omya @Valeo @Lesaffre, former Management controller CEO and formor Auditor.
- Strong ability to solve complexe problems, make people grow and organization skills.
What level of seniority are you looking for ?
C-Level (COO, CTO...)
In which domain ?
In which geographies ?
Everywhere except Africa
In which sector(s) ?
Industry: chemicals, agrofood, automotive, ....
How many years of experience do you have?
+20 years
Do you have experience in team management ?
Team of 30 - 50
SoftSkills / Can you give us 3 to 5 skills that would describe you the best?
1/ team worker 2/ result driven mindset 3/ abilty to solve complex problems 4/ like to make people grow
HardSkills / What are you really good at ? What could you bring to a fast growing company ?
1/ Private Equity 2/ Accounting 3/ Cash management 4/ Organization 5/ M&A
What is your actual wage package ?
150 000€
How much do you get as a bonus / year ?
50 000€
What is your stock options value ?
100 000€