
2022 Salary Formula @ Buffer

Salary CalculationWorld
Source Type
Salary Calculation
Source Year

The Buffer salary formula

Salary = job type X seniority X experience + location (+ $10K if salary choice)
  • job type = base
    • happiness hero = $45,000
    • content crafter = $50,000
    • engineer = $60,000
    • designer = $60,000
    • Operations officer base = $70,000
    • Executive officer base = $75,000
  • experience = multiplier
    • Master: 1.3X
    • Advanced: 1.2X
    • Intermediate: 1.1X
    • Junior: 1X
  • equity / salary choice : you get a choice of more equity or more salary, if you choose salary, you get +$10K
  • seniority = base multiplier
    • Senior + 5% base and 3k/$m revenue
    • Lead +7% base and 4k/$m revenue
    • VP + 10% and 6k/$m revenue
    • C-level +20% and 8k/$m revenue
    • COO +20% and 10k/$m revenue
    • CEO + 20% and 12k/$m revenue
  • location = additional
    • A: +$22K (e.g. San Francisco, Hong Kong, Sydney, London, Paris, New York)
    • B: +$12K (e.g. Nashville, Birmingham, Vienna, Austin, Vegas, Tel Aviv)
    • C: +$6K (e.g. Tallinn, Warsaw, Bucharest, Santiago)
    • D: +$0K (e.g. Manila, Delhi, Hanoi)