
# Experience
2 - 5 y
Company Size
0 - 30
Funds raised (€M)
Job Title

R&D Valuation and Funding Engineer


Previous experiences: R&D funding application writing such as CIR and grants, along with players like Conseil Régional, Bpifrance or Europe School: → Engineer school (management of innovation, intellectual/industrial property, or technical field such as embedded systems engineer)


Applications timeline and follow-up : Public and private grants applications writing, Crédit Impôts Recherche, etc.

You will work closely with consulting firms that will second you in the writing of funding applications.

Additionally, you will accompany the Development Team to help them protect their work with IP, and expand the Luos research work by developing partnerships:

Organizing and follow-up of the industrial property strategy in Luos (closely with consulting IP firms):

  • Patents’ portfolio definition
  • New patents’ preparation
  • Follow-up of the patents’ steps
  • Reports writing
  • Organizing and follow-up of Luos’s partnerships with universities, research institutes, etc.