Series A - Early Series B


Build Financial Models, build business plan, put vision into spreadsheet, board prep, pay bills, payroll, milestones for future funding, ensure financial metrics, revenue, expenses, cash flow, burn, cap table management, stock options, 409A (valuation), HR / IT / legal / facilities / back office


Generalist, hands-on, excel, power point, good communicator, trusted person (by CEO), track record of execution, fast-aced environment, likes playing with data, understands their own weaknesses


Successfully built business plans and financial models, run back office, built board decks, improved business performance, participated in acquisitions or raised funds

Metrics / KPI's

Understand/Put in place sales comp structure, Start to track data, track spend, ex. spend on GTM and weigh vs potential ROI, Keep an eye on trends within the business, track churn (if any).