Poste / Role
USInternationalCommercial | Sales
Type de ressource / Resource Type
Cas Pratiques | Case Studies
Accès / Access
🇫🇷 / 🇺🇸
Part 1 – Video Presentation
Please prepare a short commercial pitch in video that you could send to a prospect who runs a sport nonprofit (rowing club).
Part 2 – Sales
Q1 - What are the benefits of using [B2B Low touch company]?
Q2 – What are the most essential qualities for a good salesperson?
Q3 – What do you ask in a Qualification Meeting (15/20 minutes) and why?
Part 3 – Go To Market
You just joined [B2B Low touch company] as a Lead of the US Expansion.
The current assets are:
- The software is translated / regionalized
- The website is translated / regionalized
You have 2 people with you on your team: 1 Digital Marketing Manager and 1 Account Executive. Besides that, you have no contacts, no client or prospect in the US region.
Please prepare a short presentation (2-6 slides) to propose a Battle Plan for the team for the next 3 months.