Posture / Pitch coaching / Media training
Half-day package for €1,000
Rockstar choisie
🌟 Coach Thomas Benzazon
Thomas est le co-fondateur du média Widoobiz, dédié aux entrepreneurs, managers, et startups. Durant ces 10 dernières années, son travail quotidien a été de raconter les histoires des entrepreneurs. Thomas souhaite mettre en valeur la mission de l'entreprise ainsi que la vision de leurs leaders par un discours intelligible et accessible à la majorité d'entre nous.
Nominated Rockstar
🌟 Coach Thomas Benzazon
Thomas co-founded the media Widoobiz, dedicated to entrepreneurs, managers, and startups. For the past 10 years, his daily job was to tell the stories of entrepreneurs. Thomas seeks to bring out the company mission and their leader's vision, to make their speech intelligible and accessible to the greatest number of people
Il vous aidera a donner plus de d'impact à votre Pitch !
He will help you to give even more impact to your pitch!
Special deal
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