Can you tell me about a time you made everything right in a deal but didn’t win it?

Role Types
Individual ContributorPrevious Sales Experience
Expected - Good Elements

- Your objective is to ask as much questions as possible to understand as much aspects as possible of the deal - There is no good response because you will never be able to know all aspects of the deal and therefore the real reason why the deal failed but it allows you to see if the Sales has a good ability to look back and try to understand their mistakes. - Good Sales are always doing post-mortem and trying to understand what to improve. This is what the candidate should be able to demonstrate. - This question allows you to assess the hard sales skills of the candidate : does he/she follows a clear process, has an overall strategy, etc.

Not Expected - Warnings

- Doesn’t have any good example with sufficient details - answer very briefly - Lack of ability to structure the answer and break it down into elements that are related to the Sales process (e.g. MEDDICC)

Skills Category
Hard SkillsSelf-awarenessGrowth Mindset